"Her pictures pull the viewer into other worlds, into unpaintable space that creates something other in between highest illusion and extreme abstraction. In this respect, Ilse Gabbert is a master of storytelling. She tells stories, without telling them."
Bauer, Petra, Kunsthistorikerin, Ausstellungseröffnung
Schloss Greiffenhorst, Krefeld, 1997
"Ilse Gabbert's paintings are like short stories with an immediate start and an open end. They are meant to seduce the viewer to use their imagination when the viewing ends."
Diederichs, Petra: Farbenrausch, Krefelder Künstler toben
Frühlingsgefühle in starken Farben aus.
Rheinische Post, Krefelder Kultur, 2. April 2011
"The pictures [...] bespeak an enduringly strong expressiveness."
Summers, Robert: Eins und doppelt
Ilse Gabbert malt ihre Sicht der Partnerschaft,
Feuilleton der Süddeutschen Zeitung, 13. Juni 1995
"These pictures challenge processes of comprehension and promote deeper thinking."
Pelster, Dr. Theodor, Literaturwissenschaftler,
Ausstellungseröffnung Schloss Greiffenhorst, Krefeld, 28. Mai 1999